What to Expect at a Pain Management Appointment

Pain Management

Pain Management is often an underutilized medical specialty and many patients have heard about pain management, but they do not know exactly what it is. Pain management specialists are medical doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of pain conditions. Their training, knowledge, and skills allow them to identify the causes of pain and then come up with treatment plans to drastically reduce or eliminate it.  At Total Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, our awarded staff of pain management specialists utilize a team approach with your care.

An appointment with one of our pain management specialist is a thorough one and patients are often surprised by the amount of time our specialists spend with them and by the detail that the specialists go into when diagnosing and treating their conditions. If you are in pain and make an appointment with one of our pain management specialist, you can expect the following:

A Medical History Review

Our pain management specialists will thoroughly go over your entire medical history. Previous and current medical conditions and injuries will be discussed. Your specialist will ask you about your symptoms (type and severity) and if any treatment options have helped ease them. He or she will also ask you any medications you have previously taken and are currently on. This type of detailed approach gives your specialist important information and clues regarding the cause of your pain.

A Physical Examination

Your specialist will want to know if any specific movements or amounts of pressure make your pain better or worse. He or she will gently perform a physical examination that is specific to the condition you have. In many circumstances, the findings of a physical examination indicate that medical imaging studies should be performed.

Medical Imaging Studies

Depending on your condition, an X-ray, MRI, and/or CT scan may be ordered. These studies will allow your specialist to accurately identify/verify the exact cause of your pain. Once an official diagnosis is made, an individualized treatment plan will be created.

Pain Management Treatment Plan

Our pain management specialists are able to offer treatment options that other physicians cannot. Specialists commonly prescribe medications, physical therapy, psychological pain therapy and other non-invasive treatment options. They also perform a wide variety of minimally invasive treatment options that offer patients pain relief with minimal recovery time.

Seeking Treatment

When you are ready to make an appointment with one of our pain management specialists, please contact one of our offices throughout Long Island, Brooklyn and the Bronx. You can expect long-lasting results when you chose our clinic. The road to a pain-free life starts when you walk through our doors.