How Epidural Injections Can Relieve Spinal Nerve Pain

If you’re experiencing nerve pain that originates in your spine and radiates to an extremity, you don’t need to suffer. Epidural injections are a non-surgical treatment option that can help you. In this article, you’ll learn when they’re used, how they work, and if they’re right for you. Let’s jump right in:

Epidural Injections: When They’re Used

Epidural injections are used to treat localized or radiating pain that’s caused by a pinched nerve in the spine. Common reasons for a nerve being pinched are:                                      

  • A bulged disc
  • A herniated disc
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Spinal arthritis
  • Spondylosis

In most cases, epidural injections are used after conservative treatment options have produced little to no symptom relief. However, it should be noted that non-invasive treatment is neither stopped nor replaced by epidural injections. A comprehensive treatment plan that includes injections, activity modification, physical therapy, and other pain management measures is most effective.

Epidural Injections: How They Work

The epidural space lies between the membrane of the spinal cord and the vertebral wall of the spinal canal. Because it’s close to the nerve roots, the epidural space is the ideal location to administer a combination of anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medications that quickly decrease nerve irritation and pain. For some patients, one epidural injection provides lasting symptom relief. For others, multiple injections—given in increments—may be needed.

Epidural Injections: The Procedure 

The first step in a successful procedure involves identifying the problematic nerve. Once the nerve is identified, the Pain Management Specialist sterilizes and numbs the area where the injection will be given. The injection doesn’t take long—an epidural needle is inserted into the epidural space and the medication is administered. The patient is able to return home immediately after the injection.

Epidural Injections: Finding a Pain Management Specialist

Pain, numbness, burning or tingling that starts in the spine and radiates to an extremity can be treated with epidural injections. But not before non-invasive measures have been tried. In order to find out if epidural injections might be the treatment option that’s right for you, please contact our office to arrange an appointment.

At Total Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, our Pain Management Team utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to treat back and neck pain and uses the most advanced treatment modalities on Long Island. This team works hand in hand with our team of Orthopedic and Sports Medicine specialists as well as Physical Therapists to develop unique treatment plans based on the lifestyles, habits and goals of each of our patients. Contact us today to schedule a consult at one of our Long Island, Manhattan or Bronx offices. The road to overcoming nerve pain starts when you walk through our doors.